Study Guide
Field 256: World Language: Japanese
Presentational Speaking
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Directions for Presentational Speaking Assignment
For this section of the test, you will record a spoken response to an assignment presented on-screen. You must respond to the assignment in the target language.
The assignment will be presented on the next screen, and the screen timer in the upper right corner of the screen will count down the allotted preparation time. Note that the assignment includes a prompt and exhibit. You may take up to 8 minutes to review the assignment and to prepare your response. You are not required to take the entire 8 minutes; however, if you choose to advance to the next screen to start your response before the preparation time is over, you will not be able to go back.
When the prepartion time is complete, the screen will automatically advance, and you will record your response to the assignment. Do NOT begin speaking until the screen advances and you see the recorder box presented on-screen. After 3 seconds, a tone will indicate when to begin speaking and the recorder box will show "Recording." The assignment will remain on the screen during recording. You will have two minutes to record your response. A sample of the recorder box appears below.
You can monitor your recording time by referring to the timer, which will count up from 00:01 to 02:00. Bars will appear with the sound of your voice while recording is in progress.
At the conclusion of your response time, the recorder box will change to “Complete” indicating the conclusion of the assignment.
Once the recorder box shows "Complete," you may select the Next button to continue with the remainder of the test. Do NOT click Next until you have finished recording your response. If you advance to the next screen with recording time remaining, you will not be able to go back.
Your response will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- PURPOSE: the extent to which the response achieves the objective of the assignment, demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and uses speaking conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience
- SUPPORT: the extent to which the response is elaborated with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas
- FLUENCY: the extent to which the response communicates a logically sequenced and coherent spoken message delivered with a consistent flow of speech and appropriate pronunciation and intonation
- VOCABULARY: the extent to which the response uses word choice and idiomatic language appropriate for the specified context and audience
- GRAMMAR: the extent to which the response uses appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, and cohesive devices
Your response will be evaluated on the criteria above, not on any personal opinions expressed in the response.
You may use the erasable notebooklet provided to make notes; however, you will be scored only on the response that is recorded in the exam.
You will have only ONE opportunity to record your response. Once the recording has begun, it cannot be stopped, nor can you re-record your response.
Select the Next button to begin the assignment.
Sample Presentational Speaking Assignment
Objective 0008
Apply knowledge of target-language structures and speaking conventions to deliver
an effective, coherent, and clear spoken response to a prompt.
[The examinee will see on screen and hear the following directions:]
You may take up to 8 minutes to review the assignment and the exhibit provided and to prepare your response. Then, the screen will automatically advance and recording will begin. The assignment and the exhibit will remain on the screen during recording. You may take up to 2 minutes to record your response. You will be told when the preparation time is over and the recording is about to begin. Begin reviewing the assignment and preparing your response now.
[The examinee will see an exhibit on the left side of the screen.]
営業時間 月~日 11:00ー22:00
住所 石川県金沢市坂1ー1ー1
電話番号 076ー100ー2222
予算 昼¥1、500~夜¥5、000~
総席数 48席(イス席、座敷席)
個室 有(4名~30名樣用)
外国語対応 英語メニューあり
Wi-Fi 有
[The examinee will see corresponding assignment on the right side of the screen.]
Imagine that you are currently living in Japan and that you are planning to go to a restaurant that you would like to try. You want to invite a Japanese-speaking friend to join you. Drawing on information from the provided exhibit and your knowledge of Japanese speaking conventions, leave a message in Japanese on your friend's voice mail in which you:
- explain how you made the decision to try this restaurant and invite your friend to join you;
- describe the menu and the dining area of the restaurant; and
- explain why you think that your friend would enjoy the restaurant.
Your response must be in your own words, except for quotations and paraphrases from the exhibit used as evidence to support your ideas.
[After 8 minutes of silence, the examinee will hear:
"Your preparation time is now over. At the conclusion of these directions, the screen will automatically advance and recording will begin. Begin speaking when you see the recorder box presented on the next screen. Prepare to begin speaking now."]
[If examinee clicks "Next" before the preparation time is over, the following warning appears in a pop-up: "You have chosen to begin speaking before your 8 minutes of preparation time has ended. If you click "Yes" below, the screen will advance and recording will automatically begin. Are you sure you want to begin speaking now?"]
DO NOT click the Next button unless you have finished recording your response.[After 2 minutes of recording, the recorder box will change to “Complete” and the examinee is automatically advanced to the next screen.]
Description of a Strong Response to the Presentational Speaking Assignment
A strong spoken response would largely achieve the objective of the assignment, be delivered in the form of a message left on a friend's voice mail, effectively address the three outlined tasks, and use appropriate target language speaking conventions for the context and audience. The response would demonstrate engagement with the exhibit, and explanations and descriptions would be largely elaborated with relevant details from the exhibit as well as the candidate's own ideas.
With the exception of quotations and paraphrases from the exhibit, the response would be in the candidate's own words and use vocabulary and idiomatic language largely appropriate for the context and audience. Narrative time frames, sentence structures, and cohesive devices would be used effectively to communicate a largely logically sequenced and coherent spoken message, delivered with a largely consistent flow of speech and appropriate pronunciation and intonation. Minor errors and/or occasional nonproductive hesitations or pauses would not interfere with comprehensibility.
Performance Characteristics for Presentational Speaking Assignment
The following characteristics guide the scoring of responses to the Presentational Speaking assignment.
Purpose | the extent to which the response achieves the objective of the assignment, demonstrates engagement with the exhibit, and uses speaking conventions appropriate for the specified context and audience |
Support | the extent to which the response is elaborated with relevant details from the exhibit and the candidate's own ideas |
Fluency | the extent to which the response communicates a logically sequenced and coherent spoken message delivered with a consistent flow of speech and appropriate pronunciation and intonation |
Vocabulary | the extent to which the response uses word choice and idiomatic language appropriate for the specified context and audience |
Grammar | the extent to which the response uses appropriate narrative time frames, sentence structures, and cohesive devices |
Score Scale for Presentational Speaking Assignment
A score will be assigned to each response to the Presentational Speaking assignment according to the following score scale.
Score Point | Score Point Description |
4 |
The "4" response demonstrates effective presentational speaking skills.
3 |
The "3" response demonstrates generally effective presentational speaking skills.
2 |
The "2" response demonstrates partially effective presentational speaking skills.
1 |
The "1" response demonstrates ineffective presentational speaking skills.
U | The response is unscorable because it is unrelated to the assigned topic, inaudible/incomprehensible, not spoken in the required language, not of sufficient length to score, or merely a repetition of the assignment. |
B | There is no response to the assignment. |
MBoe. Japanese garden Koi pond. Credit Line: MBoe. Shutterstock. Copyright Notice:
MBoe.Cheuk-king Lo. Fried fish in Japanese style, close-up. Credit Line: Cheuk-king Lo. Pearson Education Asia Ltd. Copyright Notice:
Pearson Education Asia Ltd.kkammphoto008. Japanese Restaurant. Credit Line: kkammphoto008. Shutterstock. Copyright Notice:
kkammphoto008.misolasop. Sushi boat. Credit Line: misolasop. Shutterstock. Copyright Notice: