Study Guide
Field 256: World Language: Japanese
Interpretive Listening
Recommendation for individuals using a screenreader: please set your punctuation settings to "most."
Directions for Interpretive Listening Section
This section of the test contains multiple-choice questions that involve listening to recorded excerpts. Each excerpt will be followed by one or more multiple-choice questions. Each multiple-choice question has four answer choices. After listening to an excerpt, read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer. Each listening excerpt will be played twice.
The first recorded excerpt will begin playing automatically once you advance to the next screen. There will be a period of silence at the beginning of each recording. During this silence, you should familiarize yourself with the test question(s) presented on the screen.
Once the audio begins, you will not be able to pause, stop, or replay it. Therefore, listen carefully, then answer the question(s). Even if you are unsure of an answer, it is better to guess than not to answer a question at all. You will NOT be penalized for guessing.
You will not be able to go back and review your answers to questions in this section of the test. Once you move to the next question, you will not be able to go back to previous questions in this section. Therefore, be sure to select your answer carefully before you move to the next question. The next recorded excerpt will not begin playing until you advance to the next question.
Please be aware that the visual enhancements
are NOT available during this section of the test. Please DO NOT use these features until you have completed all listening items and proceeded to the remaining sections of the test.
Click the Next button when you have finished reading these directions and are ready to begin the listening section of the test. Be sure you have your headset on before proceeding.
Select the Next button to continue.
Sample Interpretive Listening Questions
[The examinee will hear an audio recording, which includes a 20-second pause at the beginning.]
Listen carefully to the classroom announcement about a student activity; then answer the question. You will hear the announcement twice.
[The passage shown below is representative of a transcript used to make an audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.]
(one male or female speaker)
Now you will hear the announcement again.
[The examinee will hear the announcement again.]
Now answer the question.
[The examinee will see on screen ONLY:]
Click "Next" when the recording ends to answer the questions.
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications
(e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
1. ????????????????
- ???
?? ??????????? - ??????
?? ??????????? - ??
?? ???????? - ??????????????
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. In the announcement, the speaker is giving step-by-step instructions to his/her class about how to complete an activity. The final step in the instructions states the purpose of the activity (????????????????????????????????????), which is to reflect on the structure of the presentation.
Listen carefully to the dialogue about a visit to the Okinawa region; then answer the questions. You will hear the dialogue twice.
[The passage shown below is representative of a transcript used to make an audio recording on the actual test. It is shown here for study purposes only. The examinee will not see transcripts that accompany audio recordings on the actual test.]
(one male and one female speaker)
Female: ???4?????????????????????????????????????????????????
Male: 3??????????28???????3?4???????????13?5000???????????
Female: ????????????????????
Male: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Female: ????????????????????????
Male: ??????????1?3????????????????????????8?9000?????????????????3???????
Female: ??????????????
Male: ??????????????????5?????????????????????????????????????
Female: ??????????????????
Now you will hear the dialogue again.
[The examinee will hear the dialogue again.]
Now answer the questions.
[The examinee will see on screen ONLY:]
Click "Next" when the recording ends to answer the questions.
[Each of the following 5 items will be presented on an individual screen on the actual test.]
Objective 0002
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken
communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
- ??????????
????? ???? - ?????????
- ??????????
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. In the dialogue, the female speaker is inquiring about possible group trips, specifying desired destination, duration of trip, number of people in group, etc. The male speaker is responding to her inquiries with corresponding suggestions. According to these details, as well as the fact that the speakers are communicating in a polite, formal register (?????????? and ???????? ), it is likely that the male speaker is a travel agent and the female speaker is a client.
Objective 0002
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken
communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
3. ????????????????????????????????????
- ????????
- ?????????
- ???????????
- ????????
- Answer
- Correct Response: B. Interpreting idiomatic expressions from the given contexts helps to support the understanding of new and unfamiliar words, which leads to more meaningful communications. At the beginning of the dialogue, the female speaker (client) uses the idiomatic expression ???????? to explain that she and her friends are interested in activities and experiences that are unique to Okinawa. The meaning of this expression can be determined from key words in the travel agent's suggested activities for tour participants, such as ????? (Okinawa's nature) and ????????? (Okinawa's traditional tea ceremony).
Objective 0002
Infer meaning and analyze information from a variety of culturally authentic spoken
communications (e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
- ???????????????
- ?
?? ???????????? - ???????????????????
- ??????????
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. The dialogue focuses on exchanges of information on tours. In the process, two different tours are suggested by the travel agent. Since the client's inquiry ????????????????? (but do you have cheaper ones?) has led the travel agent to introduce the second tour, it can be concluded that the client was not satisfied with the first tour option suggested by the travel agent.
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications
(e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
5. ??????
?? ???????????? ????? - ????
?? ??????? ????? - ?????????????
? ????? - ????
?? ??????? ?????
- Answer
- Correct Response: B. The reason why the travel agent was able to suggest the less expensive tour is clearly understood from the clause ????1?3????????????? (If you could change the departure date to January 3). The tour that departs on a different date had a lower price, which is what the client wanted.
Objective 0001
Demonstrate literal comprehension of a variety of culturally authentic spoken communications
(e.g., announcements, dialogues, documentaries, poetry).
- ???
?? ??? - ???????????
- ???
?? ????? - ????
?? ??? ???
- Answer
- Correct Response: C. To the travel agent's suggestion ????????????? (Shall I secure the seats at this point?), the client responds ???????? (Please do so). The adverb ?? (so) indicates a confirmation by the client that the travel agent should do precisely what he just asked her, which in this case is to make the reservation for the second tour option.